World Wine Panorama 2019
The OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine) in its statistical report on World Vitiviniculture of 2020 reveals the figures concerning the year 2019 and we noticed some singularities that retained our attention.

According to the data of the OIV, only 5 countries account for half of the total vineyards planted in the world.
Spain is still the country with the biggest planted vineyards area with approximately 966,000 of hectares, this position has been maintained for many years. Since 2014, China has achieved the second position with the largest planted area and continues to increase, the estimates of 2019 place it with 855,000 hectares of vineyards, almost the same amount of the total vineyards of the United States, Argentina and Chile together. On the other hand, France and Italy continue to fall down and are ranked 3rd and 4th place respectively.
In terms of wine production, the protagonists change a little. Italy is the largest wine producer in the world with 47.5 million hectoliters followed by France and Spain with 42.1 and 33.5 millions respectively.
Regarding wine consumption, the OIV report displays the United States as the largest wine consumer and only they account for 13.4% of the total consumption on the planet. Five countries (USA, France, Italy, Germany, and China) consume around 49% of world wine consumption.
It will be interesting to see how the chips move after 5 years with the trends that are being marked now. Will China become the nation with the biggest vineyard area and will reach Italy in wine production?